
"When he came back to TTMC. I went to the Bash and when I turned around and saw him, he grabbed me in a HUGE HUG and said "I'm back and I'm staying!"." 

"Slider was a righteous brother who loved Syl and his kids. He LOVED being gramps to his grandkids and was full of stories about them. I will always remember sitting at the picnic table during TTMC events and listening to him talk. Him and Sylvia always brought laughter everywhere they went." 
"Colonel Bob"
"Slider told me that when he first got sober he was riding down the highway in his old Cadillac. In back of him a police cruiser approached with his lights flashing. Slider pulled over. The cop kept on going. Slider had this brilliant flash of insight. He went to a pay phone, called his sponsor and said: "I just figured out that if I don't drink I can't get arrested for DWI." His sponsor said that's good Jim, go to a meeting."
In loving memory
Greg "Bullet" Black
"Well 4 or 5 years ago i was sitting in th aa meeting at the hospital on parham road. as i scaned the room and took each persons inventory, i saw this biker looking fellow sitting a couple seats from me. as the meeting was over i was surrounded by folks wanting to talk to me , so i didn't get to chance to catch up with the biker before he had a chance to leave. it was a few weeks later that i was able to talk with, jim. that's the only name that he would give me at that time. he was also very stand-offish and only gave very short answers and actaully tried not to share any info about him self. as we spoke and as brother "detroit' was speaking with him, i had a chance to scan his tats. they told me that he was a biker and not some motor cycle entusious. i was really interrested in jim. i made that thursday nite hospital meeting a regular aa meeting for me and as usual ,"detroit" was with me. after a couple meetings in which i actually got to speak with jim, brother "detroit" mentioned to me that he new "slider" as the two of them had both riden and hung out with another clean and sober in the richmond area. this info gave me a subject to talk with "slider" about, along with the life of a sober person and living clean. i found out that he was handing on the best he could to the clean and sober life style and that he was having second thoughts about clean and sober motor cycle clubs. it had been my experiences that bikers in his place was more than happy to join such a club, though "slider" had reservations. it took months of seeing him and speeking with him and insuring that we were a different club that the others that he had been around. i, myself, and brother "detroit" kept up or positions of trying to get "slider" to come and check "TTMC" out. he finally did. "slider" feel in love with "TTMC" . he picked brother "detroit" as his club sponswer and the two of them became very close. prior to and after "slider"s joining "TTMC" i had time to speak with him and the two of us exchanged conversations and memories of or past. the more i learned of him , the more i came to like him just as he was to patch in, he sided with "detroit" and a nother member ,"rebel rat", and they all three left "TTMC" for a "more exciting" clean and sober club. as time went on "slider" came to believe that the new club was not what he wanted in sobriety and he came home to "TTMC".!! after this , he was told thet he would have to propect all over again. he was more than will and proud to take his time and earn his way back to patch holder. after he came back, he and i had the opportunity to ride and share more with each other. i found out that he had spent a pile of money it that beautiful springer softail, and that he wasn't happy with the way it ran, but he road it as if he had stolen it.!! he called me one day and swelled my head. he was sick and had been for several days. his beautiful white springer was in a shop in richmond , as he had had it serviced and a set of thicker than most, ape handers, installed. it seems that the shop had told him that if his bike wasn't picked up that day it would start having a storage fee added daily. he wanted and trusted me to ride his bike home. i did.! and i rode it like i had stolen it.!!!!! it wouldn't run any faster than 87 mph with the ape hangers. i know as i held it wide open for a long ways. when i got to talk with him after delivering his scoot, i just told him it rode good and for him to get better so we could go ridind. as soon as he was well, i talked him in to riding with me to "chip"pers place. as we rode up I-95, me on "buster", my older black softail, and him on his beautiful white scoot, i twisted th grip to 85 mph and if nessary i would twist it a lil harder. when we were leaving "chip"s that afternoon, "slider" asked me to run a lil slower, as i ride like a lil crazy and faster than he wanted to go. as we talked i told him about me riding his scoot and the fact that i new just how fast it would ride. "slider" just gave me his dumb dropped jaw look, at first, then he grinned that "slider" grin, and walked over and hugged me. then he looked me right in the eyes and angain asked that i take it easy on th way home. he even aske that i stay off the interstate, as the apes made him feel like he was to become a kite. we stuck together at 55 - 60 mph all the way home. this pass year "TTMC" had a run to brother "rebel"s home for a meeting and fish fry. it was great. brother "slider" came riding in with his wife on the back of his scoot. both of them were grinning ear to ear. "slider" came straight to me and began telling me that he had a different cam installed in his bike and that it will fly. that with his wife on the back he could run 90 mph at ease and could roll on the throttle and speed on over a hundred. as he told me tjis he just smilled that "slider" smile. jim was a good man . when i first meet him i made a mistake in his woman. everytime i saw him, he was with a woman, that several times he told me ,reminded me, that thie woman was not his wife. as time went by i realized that he was trying to help this woman get and stay sober. as he worked on his soriety he also took her to meetings just about every nite. jim "slider" was very serious about his sobriety. it was at his funeral, tho, that i learned much , much, more about the man i called brother. he was always willing to do what he could for "TTMC" but he always put his family first. and if he could ride his scoot, he really didnt want to go. while he was propecting he drove his massive 4x4, gas burner, and pulled the trailer, as "TTMC" travelrd the state one weeken. their are many more stories that I could share with you folks, but i will leave them to the other folks in the club to share. i just want you all to understand that jim was just what "TTMC" required from it's members. he loved his family. he loved his new life in sobriety. and he loved the biker lifestyle, clean and sober. "SLIDER", "Brother", we all will miss you being here but we all will keep you in our minds and in our hearts. Please, may God take you and keep you till we all meet again, i Heaven.!!!!" 
. chevys and choppers rule 
. make slow purposeful love 
. grow with the spirit of GOD 
. remain clean and sober 
. ride hard and die free

"Slider was the only guy who called me "Slick" ... In fact, if I called him and said,"this is Rob" he would say, "Who the fuck is Rob?... Oh, hey Slick!" Slider was like that. He always said," No, Slick, I can't go ride tonight, I have my grandkids, or my bike is down(His bike seemed to be down a lot, but it always looked tip top when I saw it) But thanks for remembering me!" I will always remember him, I only wish I had had more time to spend with him. Jim will be very missed in our circle and my heart goes out to all who knew the man I knew mostly as "Slider"." 
"What comes to mind for me is the bear hug that everyone mentions but also that I told him I loved him whenever we saw each other, including the last time at Randy's picnic. He was one of the most approachable people I have met." 
"My memories of Slider are all in the stories Sylvia would tell us. She would have us rolling with laughter! I have never heard "You're a f---ing a--hole Jim!!" with so much love. They fough hard and they loved heart is still breaking."
Interested in getting involved? We are always looking for friendship.

President - John Lynn
Vice President - Timothy Asbell
Secretary - Ruth Bielke

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